Digital Currency Systems, Inc.




Quick Start Guide




V5.2.0.25   7/2005





About ATS


This guide is meant for first time users who will be using the ATS system.


ATS is a computer program that makes life easier for tellers as well as owners.  It speeds up transactions and cuts down customer wait time.  Money orders no longer have to be written by hand.  Checks can be verified against the databases of other stores.


ATS is designed for stores that need to keep track of cash and inventory, as well as perform customer transactions.  It is customized for each location.  Because different stores offer different services, the list of transactions in your menu are specific to your location.  DCS helps by setting up these menus for you.


Let’s start by opening ATS on your computer.




Opening ATS


Locate the following icon on your Desktop.

Use the mouse to double-click on the ATS for Windows icon as shown above.

Alternatively, click on the icon once to highlight it and press the Enter key. 



The ATS system keeps track of who is opening the program by the password entered here.  Your password should already have been set up by DCS or your manager.




The menu above opens in the top left corner of your screen. 







The Teller Drawer


All customer transactions are processed from the teller drawer.  For each teller, ATS keeps track of all customer transactions as well as drawer Inventory.







There are many different types of inventory that can be held in a drawer.  Stamps, cash, and bus passes are just a few examples.  Whenever inventory is moved into or out of a drawer, it must be recorded in ATS. 


In order to get started doing customer transactions, we must first build the drawer.  Building the drawer simply refers to transferring inventory from the Vault to a teller drawer. 






The Vault


The Vault refers to the safe where inventory is held.  As far as ATS is concerned, the Vault works a lot like any other drawer.  The only real difference is that customer transactions are not processed through the Vault.  In place of customer transactions, the Vault is set up to handle transfers with the Bank.


Just like with the drawers, inventory that is moved into or out of the Vault must be recorded in ATS. 





How to Build the Teller Drawer


We will now go over how to move inventory into the teller drawer.  In this example, we are assuming the Vault already has inventory in it.



Click on the Vault button.



A second menu (the Vault Menu) comes up beneath the original screen.  Click on Daily.



Click on Outgoing To Teller to send inventory from the Vault to the teller drawer.


Another screen appears with a list of tellers that are currently logged into ATS.  Choose your name from this list.



The menu on the left represents the inventory stored in the Vault, most of these containing submenus where the individual items are listed.  Because different Stores carry various types of inventory, this menu is customized for each location. 


Let’s start with Cash.  Double click on the item marked Cash.



Use the up and down arrows on the keyboard to choose the type of cash or coin, then press Enter.  Or if you prefer the mouse, double click on any of the items in the menu.


In this example, we will start with $100s and work our way down.




Enter the quantity of hundreds to be transferred.  Click OK.


Repeat this process for the different dollar amounts and for the rolls of coin.  The transaction list on the right fills in as these values are entered.



Once all the cash has been entered, close the submenu by clicking the X as displayed above.  Or, press the escape key.


Repeat the above steps for additional inventory items.  In our example, the user goes on to click on Postage and transfers 28 stamps.


Click Done.




A final window appears verifying the direction of transfer and the value of inventory.  Click OK if this is correct to complete the transaction.  Cancel returns to the previous screen where adjustments can be made.







Exit out of the Vault menu


Press the Escape key to close the Vault transfer screen, and Escape again to close the Transfer Direction screen.


You should be back at the Vault Menu screen below.



Click the Exit button to return to the main menu.




Teller Daily Sheet


The Daily Sheet is an incredibly useful tool for tellers.  At any time, tellers can view what should be in their drawer.  Why does this come in handy? 


A customer claims to have been short-changed.  The teller looks at the Cash @ Close on the daily sheet, counts the drawer, and immediately knows if the customer has a legitimate claim.






Viewing the Teller Daily Sheet






Click on the Daily Sheet button.


The Teller Daily Sheet is generated and displayed on the screen.

Teller Daily Sheet Example



The Vault transfer described above is reflected in this daily sheet.  When building the drawer, we transferred $6,175.10 worth of inventory from the Vault.  Any transaction that increases the value of the drawer posts Incoming.


The other two sections of a daily sheet are Fees and Outgoing.  Any transaction that affects the value of the drawer posts in one of these three sections.


At the top of the daily sheet is the Cash @ Open.  This value represents the amount residing in the drawer from the previous day.  The Cash @ Close, at the bottom of the screen, is the current value of the teller drawer. 








Customer Transactions


All customer transactions are performed from the same screen. 




Click on the Daily button.



Browse through the different items on this list.  Some of them lead to submenus where the individual transactions are listed.


We will now go over four of the main types of transactions: Printing a money order, processing a bill payment, selling a stamp, and last but not least—cashing a check.








Printing a Money Order


There are two entries in the transaction list, Blank Money Order and Filled-in Money Order.



Find these items in your menu and double click on Filled-in Money Order.



Fill in the from and to fields with information provided by the customer.  Then fill in the amount.


Click OK.  The fee fills in automatically.



The transaction is now listed on the right side of the screen.







Processing a Bill Payment


Find the Bill Payments item in your menu.



Double click on it with the mouse.  You can also use the up and down arrows on the keyboard and press Enter.



A list of utility companies comes up on the screen.  Find the correct item and double click on it.



Fill in all relevant fields and click OK.  The fee fills in automatically.



The bill is now listed on the right.  Click the X to close the submenu.








Selling a Stamp


Locate the item marked Postage on the left.



Double click.



Choose the US Stamps option from the submenu.



Enter how many stamps the customer wants in the Quantity field.  The amount should already be filled in with the correct value.


Click OK.







Cashing a Check


Double click Cash Single Check.





for new customers, click new and enter their address and employment information


enter and click ok




find the customer from this list.  Click OK.



A warning may come up before the customer info screen above.  Read the warning message and press the


Scan the front of the check.  If required, scan the back as well.










Complete the Transaction


As different transactions are processed, they are listed on the right side of the screen.



Click the Done button to complete the customer transaction.



The final screen displays the amount collected or paid out to the customer.  In this case, there is a pay out of $174.06.






Teller Closeout


Once all customer transactions have been entered into the system, there is that last step before going home—closing out.  The main purpose of closing out is matching up your counted drawer value (or cash count) with what the computer says you have.


The general procedures at the end of the day do not change.  Add up all your checks for the deposit.  Get a total for your bills and anything else that is verified at closeout.  Count the cash and coin, stamps, and any other inventory in your drawer.


Then, through the ATS closeout, these values are compared to what the computer has totaled.  If the values match we know that they are accurate.





How to Closeout Your Drawer


We will now go through an entire closeout procedure.




Click on the Closeout button.


1.) Click Start once the Teller Closeout window appears.



2.) The total amount of checks cashed is displayed in the Deposit window.  Click OK if this is correct.



3.) Any sales that require verification, for example bill payments, are verified here.  Click the Next button for each correct amount.  Once all sales have been verified, the Finish button is enabled.  Click Cancel to stop the closeout procedure if any of the amounts displayed do not match teller records.


4.) The money orders print for any liabilities that are set for teller closeout.


5.) The Teller Daily Sheet is displayed.  Click the X in the top right corner after viewing it.



6.)  The Cash Count is the total value of the teller drawer, including inventory items such as stamps.  Type in the Cash Count and press Enter.  Then, as the bubble in the example above indicates, the cash count must be re-entered.  If the values match, the Continue button is enabled.  Click here.


7.)  The computed totals are displayed, calculating the day’s shortage or overage.  If an unacceptably large difference results, it may be necessary to click Cancel and track down any mistakes.  Otherwise click Save to continue.


8.)  The Teller Daily Sheet prints.



The Teller Closeout window is open throughout the closeout procedure, displaying a step by step log.  The final event listed is Teller Successfully Closed.  The Teller is not closed out until this message is displayed.


The closeout can be canceled during any of the previous steps by clicking Cancel.  To pick up where you left off, click the Closeout button on the main menu again.  Steps that were completed before a canceled closeout are not repeated.





Store Daily Sheet


The Store Daily Sheet can be viewed at any time throughout the day.  Any transactions that affect the value of the store are included in this report.  It allows the user to view the current value of the Store at any time-- that is, the total value of all Teller drawers together with the Vault.



Click on the Vault button, and then on Store Daily Sheet.

Store Daily Sheet Example


Just like the Teller Daily Sheet, the Store Daily Sheet is divided into three sections.  There is Incoming, Fees, and Outgoing.  These three sections include any transaction that would affect the value of the Store.  At the top of the report is the Cash @ Open, which is the value of the store at the beginning of the day.  Once the totals of these three sections are added to the Cash @ Open we get the current value of the store, or the Cash @ Close.




Store Closeout


The final step of the day is closing out the Store.  There are fewer steps involved in closing out the store than the teller, and following a few suggestions makes the process a lot easier.





First, Print the Vault Inventory Report


The Vault Inventory report lists the quantity of each item stored in the Vault.  By printing this first, you can simply bring it over to the Vault and check the items off as you verify them.



With the Vault menu open, click the Inventory button.



Choose the Print option to send the report directly to the printer.  Then press Enter.


 Make note of any differences between this report and what is physically in the Vault.  






Click the Closeout Button


Once all tellers are closed and the Vault has been verified, click the Closeout button.



Click Start once the Store Closeout screen appears.


The Store closeout can be divided into nine steps described here:


1.) Money Orders are printed for all liabilities.  It is recommended the user verifies the amount and number for each money order printed. 


2.) The Vault Daily Sheet appears on the screen.  To continue, click the X in the top right corner of the screen.



3.) Enter the Vault Cash Count—remember, this is what you physically counted in the Vault.  This value must be entered twice.  Press Enter or click Continue and the Shortage/Overage field fills in with the calculated balance. 


4.) The final Vault and Store Daily Sheets are sent to the report printer.


5.) If the Store Daily Sheet is sent to a main office, it is exported at this time.  No user action is required for this step. 



6.) Verify that this is the correct sales date by clicking OK.  In some cases, for example if the Store closes out the following morning, it may be necessary to overwrite this with the correct sales date.



7.) A file is generated for uploading bills.  The total for each utility is displayed on the screen.  Click OK to continue.  Another window appears with a button marked Upload at the bottom of the screen.  Click here to complete the upload process.



8.) Enter the money order number that is currently in the printer.  If the number entered does not match the system records, the user is asked to re-enter the money order number or edit the box information. 



9.) For Stores with a main office, settings are sometimes imported at closeout time.  At this step, the system is checking for updates and imports them if any exist.  No user action is required for this step.  See the Store Setup section in ATS Setup for details.



The Store Closeout window is open throughout the closeout procedure, displaying a step by step log.  The final event listed is Store successfully closed.  The Store is not closed out until this message is displayed.


The closeout can be canceled during any of the previous steps by clicking Cancel.  To pick up where you left off, click the Closeout button on the main menu again.  Steps that were completed before a canceled closeout are not repeated.








For more Information…

Go to the Help menu in ATS.



Click on ATS Help (on Web).


There you will find a comprehensive documentation of all the ATS features and menu items.